How You Should Be Threading Your Needle
There are 3 reasons you should use this method for threading your needle!
- Your needle will NEVER come unthreaded!
- Your embroidery art will LOOK better!
- It is EASIER to pull through your fabric! Especially when you are using all 6 strands of the thread.
Lets start with the first reason! How many times have you been sewing with a needle and thread, and it comes unthreaded... again and again and again! This used to happen to me ALL THE TIME!!!! I got so frustrated with always having to re-thread my needle, but I finally got it down. Now I NEVER have to thread my needle because I accidentally pulled the needle too quickly and the thread came out. Here's how!!

Let me start by explaining that a strand of thread is actually made up of 6 separate strands. So the strand can be separated into fewer strands if you want thinner lines for embroidery.
When I know I want to use all 6 strands of the thread for embroidery, I actually SPLIT MY THREAD so I have 3 strands and I thread my needle with those 3 strands. Then, I pull the needle down the thread half way and FOLD THE THREAD IN HALF, making 6 strands. I knot the thread at the bottom, tying all 6 strands together. Now I have a threaded needle and I KNOW my needle isn't going to get unthreaded. Here is a video tutorial for how to do this.

The second reason this method is great is because it makes your embroidery work LOOK BETTER! I hate when I can see each individual strand of thread I've sewn, especially when I'm embroidering my favorite daisy pattern. By splitting my thread, it lays nicely on the fabric and blends together more easily because the strands have been separated. I am not as easily able to see each individual strand.
The third reason will SAVE you! Do your fingers ever hurt and ache after embroidering because you have had to work so hard to pull the thread through the fabric? I often like to use all 6 strands of thread in my embroidery, and if I thread my needle the "normal" way, this means I am pulling 12 strands of thread through the fabric (since its folded over). This KILLS my fingers. By threading your needle using my method, you won't have to pull as many strands through the fabric for every single stitch.